Ancient Rome

November 8, 2010 § 1 Comment


All roads lead to Rome – don’t they?

Today’s Task:

As you watch the Ancient Civilizations video on Ancient Rome today, take notes so that you can answer the following questions. Write your answers to the questions on your blog under a post titled “Ancient Rome”.  Make sure the questions are clearly stated before you write your answers:

1. What natural disaster occurred on the Bay of Naples in AD79?  How did this create one of the greatest archaeological sites ever studied?

2. What have archaeologiests learned about life at the height of the Roman Empire from the excavations in Pompeii?

3. According to legend, how was Rome founded?

4. How was the Roman government organized under the Republic?  What influence has the Roman Republic had upon modern governments like that of the United States?

5. Who was Julius Caesar?  Why was he assassinated?

6. How extensive was the Roman Empire?  Why was a system of roads critical to keeping the Empire?

7. Name some significant engineering successes in the building of Rome.

8. What was the official language of the Roman Empire?  How has the language of the Romans influenced modern languages?


Vocabuary  – Find the correct word, and complete the sentence.

Founding of Rome questions to finish

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