The Roman Republic

November 10, 2010 § Leave a comment

Roman Social Classes

In class today you will be learning about the Roman Republic, and looking at Roman social classes.


1.     Read World Studies Ancient World p.212-213 “Romans Form a Republic”.

2.     Complete the crossword (handout)

3.     In your table group, you will be creating a keynote presentation on Roman social classes (see instructions below)

Keynote Presentation – Roman Social Classes:

You will work as a group on this keynote using one computer.  Share the finished product with the other members of your group when you are finished.

1.     Title Slide

2.     One slide on each of the following:

a.     Emperor

b.     Patrician

c.      Plebeian

d.     Soldier

e.     Slave

3.     Each slide should have a combination of written information in point form, and related images.

4.     Add a slide listing resources used – websites and images

5.     Final slide with names of group members

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