Scipio Newspaper Article

November 19, 2010 § 6 Comments

Now that we have seen an example of a newspaper (see below), it is time to write a newspaper article of our own.

Class time will be used to begin this article on Monday 22nd November.  Rough draft due Tuesday 23rd November. The final copy will be due Monday 29th November. (People traveling for drama or sports, we will discuss due dates when you are back in class).

Scipio Article Rubric

Screen shot 2010-11-18 at 8.30.41 PM

Using the bullet points below as a guide,write an article about Scipio and his rise to power and fame.

  1. First task – make Rome powerful in Spain again
  2. Captured Spanish town of New Carthage in 209 BC
  3. Defeated Hannibal’s two brothers, who held most of Spain, in 206 BC
  4. Appointed Consul in 205 BC
  5. Invaded Africa in 203 BC and established control
  6. Defeated Hannibal at Zama in 202 BC after Hannibal returned there

When writing your article, you can use this basic organization:

Paragraph 1:
Include a “hook” to make your readers interested in reading on.  Also explain the Who, What, Where, When and How of Scipio.  Tell your readers who he is and why he is important.  Outline where you are, what the events are, when in time the events happen, and how it all turns out.

Paragraph 2:
Write about ideas from bullet points 1 and 2.
Paragraph 3: Write about ideas from bullet points 3 and 4.
Paragraph 4: Write about ideas from bullet points 5 and 6.

Include at least two quotes in these 3 paragraphs. You can make these up, but they must be relevant to your article.

Paragraph 5 – Conclusion:
Summarize what you’ve said.  Say it again in another way.  End with a quote or catchy phrase to really impress your audience. Try to tie the end back to your hook in some way.


Battle of Zama – battle-of-zama-5xxxix

Easy to read information about the first two Punic Warsat Mr. Donn’s Page

Scroll down and read – Scipio in Spain, Siege, Fall, AftermathUNRV Roman Empire



As you write, keep these things in mind:

§ 6 Responses to Scipio Newspaper Article

  • Victor says:

    Hi Mrs. D,
    I am back from ISTA, but I am very confused about the article so I am probably not going to have a good newspaper tomorrow.



  • Samantha Ang says:

    Mrs. D,
    Do you just have to do the introduction or the draft for the whole article?

    Thank You! 🙂
    -Samantha Ang
    Humanities 4

  • rderozario says:

    Victor – As you were absent from class today, I know that the requirements for this assignment will be difficult to understand. Don’t worry, I will sit with you tomorrow in class and explain everything. Get a good nights sleep, this assignment is worth 50 points, you want to come into school with your brain at 100% tomorrow! You may have an extension if you need it.
    Mrs. D.

  • rderozario says:

    Hi Samantha – I thought you might be able to do a rough outline of the whole article. The lead should be quite detailed, but the rest can be just a sentence or three, as long as you know what parts go where. It’s late now, go to sleep, we can talk about it more tomorrow in class. You have time to work at it in class too, so don’t worry.
    Mrs. D.

  • Samantha Ang says:

    Mrs. D,
    The guide line said you had to do quotes right?
    Well, are you able to make the quotes from data or found information. Like a sentence, then pretend its someone else saying it?

    Thank you,
    Samantha Ang

    • rderozario says:

      Absolutely Samantha, you can make up quotes, as long as they are relevant, and make sense in the context of your article.
      Mrs. D.

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