Rome Presentations

December 9, 2010 § Leave a comment


On Monday and Tuesday of next week you will present your essay to the class.  This presentation is made up of two parts, a slide show and a speech. Make sure you devote time to both.

Remember, keep important slide shows simple (KISS). Do not overload slides with text. You’ll be speaking, so there’s no need to have tons of words in your slide show.

Click on the link below for the useful slideshow from class:

(here’s another link in case the one above doesn’t work: Killing students with Powerpoint)

This slideshow might be useful, too.

When you’re speaking, remember PIPES:

Projection – Talk loud enough for the person in the back to hear you.
Inflection – You’re not a robot, but you’re not on stage either.
Pacing – Speak slower than you think you need to.
Eye Contact – Look everyone in the eye at least once.
Stance – Stand naturally; don’t move around. (The podium will help.)

I’ll be using this scoring sheet as you give your presentation. Be familiar with it, and design your presentation slide show with the rubric in mind.

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