The Fall of Rome – The Byzantine Empire

January 21, 2011 § Leave a comment

fall of rome

Fall of Rome:

You should now be very familiar with the factors that led to the Fall of Rome.  Please post your Fall of Rome journal entry  to your blogs.

Pop quiz results on the Fall of Rome will be available next week.


The Byzantine Empire:


We will be starting a new World Studies textbook, Medieval Times to Today.  After reading about the Byzantine Empire on pages 8 to 15, we will answer the following questions.  Answers should be well written, full sentences, that restate the question.

  1. Where was Constantinople located?
  2. How did its location contribute to its growth and to the strength of the Byzantine Empire?
  3. What qualities made Justinian a good and successful ruler?
  4. Why was Justinian’s Code so important?
  5. What was the dispute that split the medieval Christian church?
  6. Why might that split have weakened the empire?
  7. Why did Constantinople finally fall?

More websites for reading about the Byzantine Empire:

Mr Dowling’s Byzantine Empire page – simple, concise

Byzantine Empire Review – simple, concise

The Byzantines – little longer and more detailed


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