The Fall of Rome – The Byzantine Empire

January 21, 2011 § Leave a comment

fall of rome

Fall of Rome:

You should now be very familiar with the factors that led to the Fall of Rome.  Please post your Fall of Rome journal entry  to your blogs.

Pop quiz results on the Fall of Rome will be available next week.


The Byzantine Empire:


We will be starting a new World Studies textbook, Medieval Times to Today.  After reading about the Byzantine Empire on pages 8 to 15, we will answer the following questions.  Answers should be well written, full sentences, that restate the question.

  1. Where was Constantinople located?
  2. How did its location contribute to its growth and to the strength of the Byzantine Empire?
  3. What qualities made Justinian a good and successful ruler?
  4. Why was Justinian’s Code so important?
  5. What was the dispute that split the medieval Christian church?
  6. Why might that split have weakened the empire?
  7. Why did Constantinople finally fall?

More websites for reading about the Byzantine Empire:

Mr Dowling’s Byzantine Empire page – simple, concise

Byzantine Empire Review – simple, concise

The Byzantines – little longer and more detailed


Pompeii Day Cross-Curriculum News Video

December 15, 2010 § Leave a comment


Here are the requirements:

Pompeii Day Requirements

Use this Three Column Planning Table to get organized – use pages to open

For a  Three Column Planning Table – and for more information on ‘Green Screening’ have a look here:

Today – Planning:

1. Concentrate on deciding your script – who will say what, and when – this is important!

2. Video clips / photos for background can be searched for last, or even at home – right now, just  write down what you would like to have in the background.

Tomorrow – Filming:

Filming – you will need several takes to get it right, so do as much planning as you can today!

Rome Presentations

December 9, 2010 § Leave a comment


On Monday and Tuesday of next week you will present your essay to the class.  This presentation is made up of two parts, a slide show and a speech. Make sure you devote time to both.

Remember, keep important slide shows simple (KISS). Do not overload slides with text. You’ll be speaking, so there’s no need to have tons of words in your slide show.

Click on the link below for the useful slideshow from class:

(here’s another link in case the one above doesn’t work: Killing students with Powerpoint)

This slideshow might be useful, too.

When you’re speaking, remember PIPES:

Projection – Talk loud enough for the person in the back to hear you.
Inflection – You’re not a robot, but you’re not on stage either.
Pacing – Speak slower than you think you need to.
Eye Contact – Look everyone in the eye at least once.
Stance – Stand naturally; don’t move around. (The podium will help.)

I’ll be using this scoring sheet as you give your presentation. Be familiar with it, and design your presentation slide show with the rubric in mind.

Rome Compare and Contrast Essay

December 3, 2010 § 7 Comments


Your next assessment will be a compare and contrast essay.  You will be choosing a topic about Ancient Rome, and comparing and contrasting it to life today.

The due date for this essay will be Thursday 9th December.

Presentations to the class will be on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th December.

You will be given class time to work on your essay, and your presentations.

Here is a Compare-and-Contrast-Essay-Scaffold that you can use to guide you.

More information will be given in class today.

Below are some websites to help you with your fact finding:

Roman Military


Victori – The Roman Military – lots of information and links

The Roman Army – through time, and different groups – little harder to read through

Roman Military Equipment

Roman Military Glossary

For Fun – People in Rome dressing up as Romans



Roman Music

The Music of Ancient Rome

Ancient Roman Musical Instruments



Good site on Roman Woodworking Tools

List of Roman Medical Tools

Good site on Roman Tools of War

General Tools

More Tools

Ancient Roman Tools and Weapons

Tools of the ancient Romans (an ebook you can download for free, I think)

Weapons and Equipment of the Roman Army – scroll down to second last section, there is a list

Building materials in ancient Rome – some connection to tools



Education in ancient Rome – rich and poor, boys and girls

Ancient Roman education

Education – reading, writing, sewing and weaving

Education – through the history of Rome

Education – schools

Funerals and Death


The Romans and their dead

Ancient Roman burial practices

A Roman funeral

Tombs and Funerals



Roman clothing and how it shows status

Nice site – shows women and mens clothes with some sketches, and information on even underwear!

Clothing in Ancient Rome – class differences

More clothing – some jewelry at the end

Clothing – women, men, accessories, hairstyles

History for kids – clothing

Roman Children Games


Life of a Roman child – school and toys and pets

Differences between boys and girls, bit on toys

Little on games for children, more on general roman entertainment

History for kids – some pictures

Patricians and Plebians – for social classes


Roman Government


Roman Religion

roman gods

Religion in ancient Rome, comprehensive, conclusion compares it with Christianity today

History learning site, photo of family alter

List of Roman gods

Roman Calendar

Roman calendar

Compare Roman and Gregorian (today’s modern) calendars

List of different calendars, including Roman

Short explanation of Roman / Gregorian and other calendars

Roman Surgery / Medicine


General overview – lots of words

Links to both Roman Medicine and Roman Surgery

Comprehensive, lots of detail – and great pictures of surgical instruments used

Good information on Roman plants – scroll down

Many Links

Roman Numerals


Nova Roma – easy to understand

Numeral Chart

More comprehensive, larger numbers

History of Roman Numerals 1

Use of Roman Numerals today

Roman Alphabet


Latin and English differences in alphabet

Ancient and Modern Lain alphabet

Roman Names


The system of Roman names was unique

Behind the name – boys names, girls names, Roman names used today

Roman Food


Lots of simple information

Food for rich people

Roman food information

Roman Dishes and Recipes

Roman Art


Ancient Mosaic Art / Roman Mosaic Art

Modern Mosaic (short)

More detail, mosaic art in Rome

Mosaic in ancient Rome

Origin of ancient Roman Mosaics

Pictures of Roman mosaics

Roman Women


Women in Ancient Rome

Roman Baths


A Day at the Baths – Famous Roman baths at Caracalla

Roman baths and bathing

Walk through Roman Baths in Bath, England, museum

Ancient Roman Baths

Roman Slaves


Roman slaves – easy to eat

Roman Slaves – more detail, you’ve used this before

Roman Slaves – History for Kids – easy read

Slavery general – scroll down to ‘How was slavery disastrous for Rome?’


The Roman Colosseum – good info, easy to read, seating and technology – information on an awning here or on next site

Roman Colosseum Architecture and Engineering – scroll down for this bit

The Roman Coliseum – information on a cooling system

Roman Gladiators

November 30, 2010 § 1 Comment


Today and tomorrow we will be learning about Roman gladiators.


1. Go to this website, and learn about gladiator garb:

2. Go to this website, and read through the five gladiator profiles:

Choose one gladiator type you would wish to be.  Create a poster including a picture of the gladiator, and reasons why you would choose this gladiator.

The 5 types of gladiators were:

– Samnites, Thracians, Murmillo, Retarius, Secutor or Persuer

3. On the same website, read the section “On the Job” and prepare a gladiator fact file using the sub-headings provided.

4. Post both your poster, and your gladiator fact file to your blog by the end of Wednesday 1st December.

Scipio Newspaper Article

November 19, 2010 § 6 Comments

Now that we have seen an example of a newspaper (see below), it is time to write a newspaper article of our own.

Class time will be used to begin this article on Monday 22nd November.  Rough draft due Tuesday 23rd November. The final copy will be due Monday 29th November. (People traveling for drama or sports, we will discuss due dates when you are back in class).

Scipio Article Rubric

Screen shot 2010-11-18 at 8.30.41 PM

Using the bullet points below as a guide,write an article about Scipio and his rise to power and fame.

  1. First task – make Rome powerful in Spain again
  2. Captured Spanish town of New Carthage in 209 BC
  3. Defeated Hannibal’s two brothers, who held most of Spain, in 206 BC
  4. Appointed Consul in 205 BC
  5. Invaded Africa in 203 BC and established control
  6. Defeated Hannibal at Zama in 202 BC after Hannibal returned there

When writing your article, you can use this basic organization:

Paragraph 1:
Include a “hook” to make your readers interested in reading on.  Also explain the Who, What, Where, When and How of Scipio.  Tell your readers who he is and why he is important.  Outline where you are, what the events are, when in time the events happen, and how it all turns out.

Paragraph 2:
Write about ideas from bullet points 1 and 2.
Paragraph 3: Write about ideas from bullet points 3 and 4.
Paragraph 4: Write about ideas from bullet points 5 and 6.

Include at least two quotes in these 3 paragraphs. You can make these up, but they must be relevant to your article.

Paragraph 5 – Conclusion:
Summarize what you’ve said.  Say it again in another way.  End with a quote or catchy phrase to really impress your audience. Try to tie the end back to your hook in some way.


Battle of Zama – battle-of-zama-5xxxix

Easy to read information about the first two Punic Warsat Mr. Donn’s Page

Scroll down and read – Scipio in Spain, Siege, Fall, AftermathUNRV Roman Empire



As you write, keep these things in mind:

Roman Forum Newspaper

November 18, 2010 § Leave a comment


Today we looked at the route that Hannibal’s army took over the Alps during the second Punic War.  You finished your maps and your outline of the Three Punic Wars.

Below is an example of a newspaper that could have been written just after the Second Punic War. Tomorrow, we’ll be talking about doing some newspaper writing of our own. Your next assignment will be to create a newspaper article based on Scipio and the Battle at Zama – more information coming soon.

(Click on the newspaper to open a pdf.)

The Roman Republic

November 10, 2010 § Leave a comment

Roman Social Classes

In class today you will be learning about the Roman Republic, and looking at Roman social classes.


1.     Read World Studies Ancient World p.212-213 “Romans Form a Republic”.

2.     Complete the crossword (handout)

3.     In your table group, you will be creating a keynote presentation on Roman social classes (see instructions below)

Keynote Presentation – Roman Social Classes:

You will work as a group on this keynote using one computer.  Share the finished product with the other members of your group when you are finished.

1.     Title Slide

2.     One slide on each of the following:

a.     Emperor

b.     Patrician

c.      Plebeian

d.     Soldier

e.     Slave

3.     Each slide should have a combination of written information in point form, and related images.

4.     Add a slide listing resources used – websites and images

5.     Final slide with names of group members

Geography of Ancient Rome

November 9, 2010 § Leave a comment

On Friday 12th November there will be a quiz on material that we will cover in class this week.  You need to be able to do the following:

1. Label a map of Ancient Rome (see map below – click on map to enlarge)

2. Explain the geographical advantages that led to Rome’s success.  The paragraph from your textbook is reproduced below for your reference.

Rome Map

Geographical Advantages:

The first people  who settled on Rome’s seven hills were not thinking about building a great empire.  They chose that site because it seemed to be a good place to live.  The hills made the area easy to defend.  The soil was fertile and the area had a good source of water.  From the mountains of central Italy, the Tiber River flowed through Rome before emptying into the Tyrrhenian Sea.  But as time passed, the people of Rome discovered that the location of their city gave them other advantages.  Rome was at the center of the long, narrow peninsula we now call Italy.  Italy was at the center of the Mediterranean Sea.  And the Mediterranean Sea was at the center of the known Western world.

[World Studies: The Ancient World. Prentice Hall p. 211].

Ancient Rome

November 8, 2010 § 1 Comment


All roads lead to Rome – don’t they?

Today’s Task:

As you watch the Ancient Civilizations video on Ancient Rome today, take notes so that you can answer the following questions. Write your answers to the questions on your blog under a post titled “Ancient Rome”.  Make sure the questions are clearly stated before you write your answers:

1. What natural disaster occurred on the Bay of Naples in AD79?  How did this create one of the greatest archaeological sites ever studied?

2. What have archaeologiests learned about life at the height of the Roman Empire from the excavations in Pompeii?

3. According to legend, how was Rome founded?

4. How was the Roman government organized under the Republic?  What influence has the Roman Republic had upon modern governments like that of the United States?

5. Who was Julius Caesar?  Why was he assassinated?

6. How extensive was the Roman Empire?  Why was a system of roads critical to keeping the Empire?

7. Name some significant engineering successes in the building of Rome.

8. What was the official language of the Roman Empire?  How has the language of the Romans influenced modern languages?


Vocabuary  – Find the correct word, and complete the sentence.

Founding of Rome questions to finish

Where Am I?

You are currently browsing the Ancient Rome category at rachelderozario.